Strange error when configure module Module uninstalled successfully Prestashop
I got strange error when Configure any module on prestashop Module menu. If i click Configure to any module that are installed, i will get this error message “Module uninstalled successfully“. I try to reset the module, and it work for a while when i click configure, but then when i save the configuration, it showing that error again.
So i explore about this problem and found there is a bug that when we enable cache system, the system will showing that error message. So i do this step
- Go to Preferences > Performance, and turn off Caching. I also turn off smarty cache and force to compile.
- And then i configure the modules, and never get that strange message anymore
I think the caching system need to fixed, because this caching system on prestashop often making strange behavior on the interface. If you find case like this just turn of caching system first. If everything has been setup then we can enable the caching system again for better performance on frontend