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August 27, 2008


Filed under: web-history — admin @ 8:54 pm

Technorati Profile

August 9, 2008

How to download Youtube video to local Computer or PC

Filed under: internet — Tags: , — admin @ 10:08 am

Many of us looking for interesting video on youtube and find it. We also sometime want to save this video into your local computer or PC for watch again later. I have one trick how to download youtube video to your local PC. Here we are:

  1. find video link on youtube for example i want to download NBA Final Video
  2. Go to for media grabber
  3. Paste into URL on clipnabber
  4. Click on Nab Video button
  5. Wait when loading until you see Video URL
  6. Right click on FLV Download Link and select Save Target As
  7. Select folder that you want the video to be saved
  8. And then you can play the video file again using VLC Media Player

Enjoy downloading!

August 2, 2008

Login to multiple Google Talk Account

Filed under: internet — Tags: , — admin @ 10:06 am

Google talk is instan messanger service like Yahoo Messanger or MSN. You need a GMail account to be able to use this service. Using this service you can send instan message to another GMail account.

Defaultly one computer is for one account. So if you want to login to many account in one computer? I will show you a simple step how to do it on your computer.

  1. Create shortcut of Google Talk to your Desktop. Google Talk defaultly located on “C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk\googletalk.exe”. Right click on this file and the select Send To > Desktop.
  2. Right click on new shortcut on your desktop, and then select Properties.
  3. Change target field into “C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk\googletalk.exe” /nomutex
  4. And then click OK button.
  5. Now every time you double click this icon, it will open new instance of Google Talk.

I hope this article is helpful for you. Enjoy!

August 1, 2008

Yellow background on HTML text field Form

Filed under: html — Tags: , — admin @ 10:05 am

Have you ever found a confusing condition on your browser IE or Firefox that when you open an HTML Form page some text field has yellow background even you dont have this color on your css or html.

This situation also make me confuse because my client said that he saw yellow background on a computer but on another computer he doesn’t see yellow background. He want to know the answer why.

I was already thinking about this confusing thing before, but i didn’t try to find more detail about this problem. But i know this is something to do with the plugin on browser. Something like auto complete form.

So i go to forum and found the reason. According to the forum, it is because we use google toolbar for auto complete capability when we input data on HTML form. So we can set an auto complete form when we fill another html form later.

To disable the toolbar just go to View > Toolbars > Google Toolbar. And then refresh the browser. The textfield background will colouring with its original color.