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June 22, 2009

How to check nofollow link on firefox?

Filed under: css,html — Tags: — admin @ 12:36 am

As a SEO master, sometime we need to add backlink from another sites to our sites. More backlink can give good SEO credit to your website, of course best if the backlinks come from high page ranking site and have related content with our website.

There are many free resources to get free backlink to you, for example social networking site, social bookmarking site, or blog comments. Important to check if the link give to you is a dofollow link type. Only dofollow link type can give SEO credit to your websites. This rule is apply at least to Google Search Engine.

How to check if the sites can give you dofollow link to your websites? simple way is by view page source on the websites and check if the link contain rel=”nofollow” attribute. If it has then that website cannot give you a backlink. Another thing is to use a plugin or tool to check if the website using dofollow or nofollow link. But until this time, i don’t find a good tool for that. I am to lazy also to view page source and read through the html code if the link using nofollow or not.

I need an easy way to check the link, that means when loading, the browser must give a sign on nofollow link. I believe this way is more faster to check about it. I found a simple solution for firefox. The idea is to add user define style to firefox. So everytime we load a web page, that css will override all style defined.

To do it, please create or edit a file named userContent.css in C:\Documents and Settings\{Your User}\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\{random string}\chrome. And then add this line into last line :

a[rel*=”nofollow”] {
border: 1px dashed black;
background: #FFFF99;

And then save it. Please restart firefox to load the setting. Now, if you open a website with nofollow link, you will get a link with dashed border and #FFFF99 background color.

The first link is a nofollow link, and second link is dofollow link.

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