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January 19, 2011

strange id added on form create url cakephp

Filed under: cakephp,php — admin @ 9:18 pm

I found something strange on cakephp when i create form using FormHelper, a strange id appear on the action url. So i have this code on my view

<?php echo $form->create('Evoucher', array('url' => array('controller' => 'gift_vouchers', 'action' => 'buy', $giftVoucher['GiftVoucher']['amount'])));?>

It is generated a form tag with strange id added on action url. Something like this

<form id="EvoucherBuyForm" method="post" action="/gift_vouchers/buy/2/20" accept-charset="utf-8">

After exploration, i found the problem was on the controller action for buy. I have set id for the data variable

$this->data['Evoucher']['id'] = 2;

So after taking out this line, i change it into

$this->Evoucher->id = 2;

And cakephp can generate correct action url for the form tag

<form id="EvoucherBuyForm" method="post" action="/gift_vouchers/buy/20" accept-charset="utf-8">

I hope this tutorial help you. Thanks for visiting our blog

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