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July 23, 2009

How to install android sdk on windows?

Filed under: android,java — admin @ 10:22 pm

For whom that doesn’t know yet the android, it is a new platform that basically run on gphone mobile device. GPhone stand for Google Phone, i think google want to spread their business to mobile device technology. But android is not for gphone only, at least nokia will have android on their device in future. So for developer it is a good market to make an application run on android platform. Best thing is android give developer a software development kit (SDK) that based on java programming language. And this SDK is open to all developer and has big community. This article is about installing android sdk on your windows machine.

First of all you need a java library installed on your machine. It can be a JRE or JDK, but i suggest you to install JDK as we want to develop a java application on our machine.

Installing JDK for android

  1. go to
  2. find Java SE Development (JDK) section. The latest JDK version at the moment is JDK 6 Update 14
  3. Click on Download Button
  4. Run the executable installation file after download finished

Note : you can use J2EE, but J2SE is enough for android.

Installing android SDK

  1. download based on your Operating System platform. In my machine i use Windows so i download
  2. extract into a folder for example D:\android-sdk
  3. add D:\android-sdk\tools into PATH environmental variables on your system. You can find it on Control Panels > Systems
  4. please restart your computer

At this point you have an android sdk that installed on your machine. You are ready to use android sdk and run using their great android emulator. You can coding using your text editor and compile using JDK and then create Android Package using Android SDK and then run it using android emulator. But i suggest you to use eclipse because it is more easier to build android application using eclipse automatic process.


  1. […] Install JRE or JDK, but i suggest you to install JDK as we will develop java application. Read last article about installing jdk for android. […]

    Pingback by How to install eclipse for android on windows? | Bali Web Design Bali Web Developer SEO in Bali — July 23, 2009 @ 11:30 pm

  2. yeah but how do i start the emulator

    Comment by chris — August 13, 2009 @ 12:46 pm

  3. @chris: on eclipse GUI, Just run your project as Android Application, the emulator will show up automatically, how ever if you never setup the emulator or the android version used on your application is not supported by the emulator, you will asked to create new Android Virtual Device. It can be done on Android Virtual Device Manager, find this icon on toolbar. It is like a mobile phone icon.

    Comment by admin — July 21, 2010 @ 12:54 am

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