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July 23, 2009

How to install eclipse for android on windows?

Filed under: android,java — admin @ 11:30 pm

You can use any text editor to write a java code for android, and then compile using JDK tools. Create android package (APK) using android sdk tools and then install and run application on emulator. But we need a tool to automatic all android development process. One android IDE that commonly used by android developer is eclipse. Using eclipse you can have an integrated development environment for android through Android plugin, such as

  • write or code java source for android application
  • good overview for your project inside project manager
  • user friendly interface to create new android project
  • compile and debugging is as easy as desktop application development
  • nice java source code editor with high text editing functionality for developer
  • setting emulator also easy with good overview using DDMS perspective
  • run android application inside emulator with simple click

There are many more advantage using eclipse as your IDE for android. Believe me it makes you enjoy coding android with their nice interface and automatic process.

Installing eclipse for android

  1. Install JRE or JDK, but i suggest you to install JDK as we will develop java application. Read last article about installing jdk for android.
  2. Download Eclipse IDE for Java Developers at Its about 92 MB.
  3. Extract the zip file into a folder for example D:\ANDROID after downloaded
  4. at this step you will have D:\ANDROID\eclipse folder
  5. run D:\ANDROID\eclipse\eclipse.exe. On first time you will asked for workspace directory. It is a directory where you want your android project to be stored. For now just create new folder WORKSPACE in D:\ANDROID
  6. install android sdk, you can read on installing android sdk article.
  7. Now you need to connect eclipse and android sdk
  8. on eclipse GUI, select Windows > Preferences menu on top.
  9. select android and then locate your SDK Location, on my machine is D:\ANDROID\android-sdk, and then click apply
  10. on eclipse GUI, select Help > Software Updates. some eclipse version maybe different menu location or name
  11. click Available software tabs and then click Add site
  12. You can try use this Location : or and then click OK
  13. check the checkbox before or and then click Finish
  14. It will direct you to download interface, wait until finish
  15. at the end you will need to run plugins installation, just follow the step on interface.

At this point you already have a ready IDE for creating android application. Have fun and keep reading on my article about using eclipse to create android application.


  1. I think you also have to add the ADT plugin to eclipse, before pointing it to the android-sdk

    Comment by Aj — March 19, 2010 @ 4:08 pm

  2. Step 8 and 9 cannot be done before 10-15 are done…

    Comment by Freddy — May 10, 2010 @ 11:58 pm

  3. i got it. i just reinstalled my android plug in SDK from within ECLIPSE
    thanks anyway

    troy nall

    Comment by troy nall — June 6, 2010 @ 4:48 pm

  4. Iv been trying to download eclipse for hours now but i can’t seem to get it right i tried your method.Don’t you have any other site where i can download eclipse?

    Comment by Relo — March 29, 2012 @ 2:03 am

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